Different Medical Benefits From Green Or Black Tea

Archeological evidence advocates that people 5,000 years ago consumed tea leaves soaked in boiling water. Botanical evidence indicates also that China and India were amongst the original countries who cultivated tea. Nowadays, tea is considered the most commonly consumed drink worldwide, second to water. Millions of people around the universe drink tea, and studies recommend that green tea particularly Camellia sinensis has several health benefits.

Green, black and oolong teas are the 3 principal kinds of tea. The three varieties differ in their method of processing. Tea is created from the leaves which are not fermented and was reported to contain the utmost concentration of potent antioxidant known as polyphenols.

Antioxidants are materials or substances that search free radicals that damage the compounds in the human body that change the cells, tamper DNA, and even cause the deterioration cells. Free radicals arise naturally in the human body, environmental pollutants or toxins which include radiation, cigarette smokes, ultraviolet rays of the sun, and air pollution also help in the increase of these harmful particles.


Several scientists consider that free radicals have a contribution in the aging process and also the growth of several health troubles, including heart diseases and cancer. Antioxidants like polyphenols found in green tea may reduce the effect of free radicals and can reduce or even aid in the prevention o some harm they cause.

Consumption of tea was found to be effective in small scientific study in the treatment of dental caries or tooth decomposition. Additional studies are needed to be done. The tea can also be helpful in inflammatory Medicelles like in arthritis. Research specifies that arthritis can benefit from green tea by reducing the inflammation and slow down cartilage breakdown.

Chemicals present in tea can also be useful in the treatment of genital warts and also avoid the symptoms of influenza and colds. Studies also indicate that consumption of tea is linked with reduced dangers in all causes of death.

Camellia sinensis is the plant where the leaves are derived to produce the green, black and oolong tea. The plants grow as big as a tree or shrubs. Nowadays, Camellia sinensis plants grow throughout Asia and some countries in the Middle East and African countries.

The green and oolong teas are commonly consumed by people in the Asian countries and the black tea is most well-liked in the U.S.A. The tea contains the highest content of polyphenol.

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Article from articlesbase.com

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