SEIU Protester to Black Tea Partyer: Do You Have Any Children That You Claim?

Nice. An SEIU supporter asked a black tea partyer yesterday in Denver, “Do you have any children that you claim?” When confronted on her statement the SEIU supporter said she asked him that because he was “such a free spirit.” This is the type of abuse that the left regularly hurls at the tea party. Of course, this won’t make the news.

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25 Responses to SEIU Protester to Black Tea Partyer: Do You Have Any Children That You Claim?

  1. nccanuck says:

    @loonmaniac Notice how liberals are so quick to use the your a faggot come back. And they call the right a bunch of homophobes LOL .. loon, you are a frikkn pussy!

  2. igotta9 says:

    That guy has true grit standing up to this gang of bucket mouthed bolshevik bull shitters. in addition to her pathetic racist narrative I’ll bet her breath would melt glass. Probably a K12 teacher on leave for sexually inappropriate behavior.

  3. SheilahDavis says:

    Oh, crud…I recognize one of those nasty teachers. How can I continue to respect her now?

    I guess I’m going to vote no on the next tax hike request.

  4. qpwillie says:

    The army itself has stated that there’s no doubt that Lt. Col. West saved the lives of his men.
    You leftists have ALWAYS taken the side of the enemies of this country so I’m not surprised that you’re doing so right now.

  5. kefluv says:

    @qpwillie Allen West ADMITTED to having ORDERED those soldiers to BEAT a PRISONER, then he shot a LOADED pistol ‘past the ear’ of the HANDCUFFED PRISONER. And then… BEAT the prisoner some more. All of which is clearly against the Geneva Conventions and basic human decency. (But conservatives call that ‘brave’?)
    My only regret is that he was allowed to QUIT rather than face a Court Martial like he should have. And because the coward CUT & RAN from Iraq, I’m still paying this bully’s PENSION.

  6. tannerwaterbury says:

    Wait… is that a boy or girl speaking?

  7. qpwillie says:

    I always have to laugh at you guys when you start trying to tell me what I think. I am a conservative. I know how conservatives feel about things. You have nothing but a head full of brainwashing with false propaganda about conservatives.

    Allen West forfeited his military career to save the lives of his men. You’re not worthy to speak (or even type) his name.

  8. kefluv says:

    @qpwillie ‘Conservatives don’t think all black people are lazy and on welfare’? Have you ever read the comments on YouTube? Or ever heard Rush ‘Blacks want Reparations’ Limbaugh.
    And Allen West? Really? The guy who claimed that he has ‘a higher Security Clearance than the President’? The guy who retired under threat of a court martial? Him? Really?
    Good luck with that. Pulling your own ‘race card’ worked just great for Michael Steele. He was treated so nicely by the conservative establishment.

  9. qpwillie says:

    Allen West is talking about running for president. What are you going to do with your race card if he runs and wins? I guess you’ll have to use it for toilet paper. That’s all it’s really good for anyway.

  10. qpwillie says:

    The man walked into a certain area and the communists approached him.

    No, conservatives don’t black people are lazy and are all on welfare. That’s simply a lie. A lot of black people ARE conservatives. When you consider that about 13% of Americans are black, actually, a good per cent of blacks are conservatives.

    The left couldn’t exist without their racism. It’s the very backbone of their philosophy.

  11. kefluv says:

    @qpwillie Simple fact. The black guy confronted the SEIU workers. They did not approach him. Whether he was ‘sent’ by someone or approached the union protesters on his own is besides the point. HE initiated the confrontation for the express purpose of trying to make the union protesters seem like racists.
    Conservatives claim black people are ‘lazy’ and are ‘all on welfare’, protect the wealthy and corporate welfare… then claim liberals are ‘racist who want class warfare’?

  12. 2011Roshea says:

    @ctnjason that is really not smart. All Americans put money into welfare. How dumb “angry white” “angry black” better both fight together from being “USED” by Obama, the Socialist. Socialism does not work, how many times does history have to repeat itself before we all get it. Obama KNEW this would cause derision of all people. How does it feel to get used both sides? Feel stupid yet? If not, Obama is laughing, he knows what he is doing. Causing division. What a president!

  13. 2011Roshea says:

    @GaraidhS the black man or the white kid. Neither is right and both are stupid. U got Muslims that will take you both out and you stand and fight each other. Great plan Obama, the Muslim.

  14. 2011Roshea says:

    The Black Man needs to go back to his area. Why do Americans fight against each other? Look what Obama has done. Obama is to blame here. Wake up America, all this is distraction. Socialism did not work in Europe, get it? DOESN’T WORK! Better to get ready to fight MUSLIMS who want U dead or convert to ISLAM. This is useless bantering, waste of time. Thanks Obama

  15. GaraidhS says:

    What the hell is that thing yelling at him?

  16. ctnjason says:

    @WooDRaTs00 honestly i think he is referred to as a black tea partier to show light that this specific party is not just angry white people. Theres a HUGE stereotype out there that those that believe in less government regulation / welfare state are white angry old men. This is just my opinion. Other than that, im not sure why his race is brought up at all.

  17. WooDRaTs00 says:

    why does this video have to refer to him as a “black” tea partier? and that fuck ugly dyke’s voice makes me want to swallow nails

  18. Philhelm says:

    @ThreeSC Heh, I had noticed that too. eMoral? Is that like eHarmony? Or maybe it’s a bit beyond amoral? Hmmm…I wonder if it’s spelled “emmoral?”

  19. ImInCommand says:

    LMAO I can’t stand that mouse squeal voice from that 300 pound fatass lesbo….and then the 70-year old trying to use emotion instead of logic to win an argument, lol brilliant. what fucking dumbasses america has.

  20. mikeskew says:

    @Minuteman9112012 What’s racist? We can’t debate Black people without being called racists? Why is the title not SEIU Protests Tea Partier instead of “Black” Tea Partier? Methinks thou protest too much. If this i sthe best the right can find on the left you need to give up now.

  21. mikeskew says:

    How is this racist? Were any racial epithets used? All I saw were union members debating a person they disagreed with. I thought conservatives were colorblind so why isn’t the title of this “SEIU Protesters to Tea Partier?” vice BLACK Tea Partier? Just wondering. Wouldn’t it have been more racist to ignore him because he is Black? Should people ignore and not debate Black people because they’re Black? Ask again who’s racist? The Ds elected the first Black prez is that STILL the party of slavery?

  22. ArizonaSean says:

    Racist white bitch. These union members are a bunch of racist, homophobic skin heads.

  23. TRINITYNTB says:

    Union supporters call the rest of us sheep but they are the ones that are getting bused in, hotels paid for by unions and given scripts and talking points handed out to them.. it is sad indeed – As long as the Dem senators refuse to vote Wisconsin is watching a coup d’etat by a minority of voters who refuse to let the majority of voters do business

  24. loonmaniac says:

    Black sucka’s own de wo’d “black,” and use uh dat wo’d by any sucka else be racist. Man! Just likes honky sucka’s own de wo’d “honky.”

  25. bweazel says:

    @bamabelle327 I’m not judging the whole bunch by the behavior of a few. I’ve been through the federal, public school system. I’m juding the group by how the group behaves. Your mom is most likely one of the rarities that I and many others met while in these worthless schools. There are a few teachers that actually care about teaching, but they’re choked out by all the welfare recipients around them (aka. babysitters who are supposed to be teachers).

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