The Black Tea Edge

You would be surprised to know that one way to fight diabetes is by drinking black tea. Amazing? While teas are known for the health benefits that you can derive from them, there are some teas that possess unique characteristics that make them the all-time favorites, one of which is black tea. It is not so unusual why black tea is really popular since it is very flexible when it comes to usage, and has extra health benefits that cannot be found in other varieties of tea.

You might not know it, but the cool and refreshing iced tea that you love to drink is made from black tea. You can easily notice the rich flavor, the savory aroma, and the brilliant dark red color of every glass of iced tea. Aside from that, in every glass, you get the same powerful antioxidants that every tea gives to your body.

One major benefit that you can get from black tea is its capacity to fight diabetes. A recent research in China found out that the polysaccharide levels of black tea is greater compared to other varieties of tea. These polysaccharides slow down the absorption of glucose, thereby reducing the sugar levels in the body. These findings would eventually lead to further explore this specific property of the black tea in managing diabetes.

There is an organic black tea which you could say is entirely a natural tea. The plant (cammellia sinensin) being used for this kind of tea are free from man-made chemicals. These bushes are not given synthetic fertilizers, growth regulators, or even pesticides. Everything that contributes to their growth is natural. Since farmers cannot use synthetic methods, they resort to crop rotation, composting, and inter-planting. These methods replenish the soil and help maintain the ecological balance in the planet.

Organic black tea is very helpful for those who require a strict intake on foods. Because of the natural characteristics of this tea, more and more people are shifting their preference to this kind of tea, not to mention its existing patrons around the world.

So if you want to live the natural way, in order to protect your body from certain diseases such as diabetes, then go for organic black tea. It is delicious and a good source of antioxidants as well.

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Ingredients: Organic black tea from Yunnan, China. Flavor Profile: Smooth, full bodied, malty, and classically brisk. Tea Story: This is the Samovar version of English Breakfast- a tea you can count on time and again. Wake up with this tea like so many of our ex-coffee-drinking tea converts do. Breakfast Blend teas were created as the signature blend of a particular tea company. A “Breakfast Blend” is a blend of tea from a company’s tea gardens that is blended to achieve a uniform and reliable flavor season after season- regardless of weather conditions that might effect a tea’s flavor. At the beginning of the 19th century, some tea sellers were even creating tea blends that best suited a town or city’s local water supply. Samovar’s Breakfast Blend is a blend of Dian Hong style tea from Yunnan, China. This means that it is only top-quality tea with whole leaves and a high content of fine golden leaf buds: “golden tips.” Samovarian Poertry: Kindle clarity. Banish stupor. Full malty flavor with delicate dryness. Food Pairings: Serve Samovar Breakfast Blend alongside your oatmeal, waffle, pancakes, or toast and eggs- it is a breakfast blend after all! At the tea lounge we serve it with our English-style Afternoon Tea Service: scone with clotted cream and jam, quiche, and fresh, seasonal fruit. You may just want to pair it with milk and sugar at your desk. For more information:

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