What You’ve Always Wanted to Know About Wu-yi Tea

What You’ve Always Wanted to Know About Wu-Yi Tea

Words like free “radicals,” “toxins” and “antioxidants” fill news reports as concerns mount due to frightening statistics indicating a steady rise in the number of cases of cancer and other serious diseases and conditions, including obesity. Wu-yi tea, a specific variety of oolong tea that’s grown in the mountains of China, is the latest addition to the list of hopeful alternatives to attract attention as a healthy way of losing weight and naturally protecting yourself from a host of ailments.

Wu-Yi Tea and Its Natural Health Benefits

Wu-yi tea is grown and harvested in northwest China in the Fujian Province, and like all types of oolong tea, comes from the camellia sinensis plant, however, it’s the distinct process used to dry and ferment the tea leaves is what’s said to give it the boost in antioxidants and polyphenols, which is what helps the body to burn fat.

Thanks to research conducted by some of the world’s most brilliant scientists from Japan, China, the U.S., and Europe, we now know of the many natural ingredients present within authentic wu-yi tea and how they each have a beneficial affect on the body. Polyphenol is a substance naturally present within the tea that stimulates a process known as lipolysis, which in layman’s terms, means the break down of fat.

How Wu-Yi Tea is Grown and Harvested

The intricate growing and harvesting processes necessary to produce authentic wu-yi tea is definitely time consuming, which is the reason this type of tea is more expensive than others. Any manufacturers that skip any of these crucial steps aren’t producing wu-yi tea the way it was intended and aren’t really creating genuine wu-yi tea.

Step One: Following centuries of ancient tradition, wu-yi tea leaves are picked in the early morning sun and then immediately set out to dry and age for a certain amount of time, which will actually depend upon the month of year and the positioning of the sun.

Step Two: After drying, tea leaves are carefully shaken into woven baskets crafted from bamboo, which is said to “tenderize” the edges of the leaf, and then laid out on woven drying mats for curing.

Step Three: After two to three days of curing, the leaves are brought indoors for the fermenting process, which is critical for ensuring the most delicious tea that will also be packed full of powerful antioxidants and fat-burning properties.

Step Four: Next, leaves are hand-rubbed, which stimulates the releases of the various beneficial chemicals and enzymes and also enhances the tea’s flavor. Sorting and careful checking for quality are done before the process is complete.

Step Five: You, the consumer, drink the tea at least twice a day, enjoying natural weight loss qualities and the additional positive benefits of wu-yi tea.

There are actually many different varieties of wu-yi tea, including wu-yi jin mei, a member of the oolong or wu long category, but with so many to choose from, how is it possible to decide which is best for your needs and your tastes? While taste is merely a matter of personal preference, using authentic wu-yi tea is what really matters most. The level of polyphenols and antioxidants are significantly higher in wu-yi tea, making it the ideal addition to any sensible weight loss plan or health care regimen.

If you’re interested in the positive health benefits of wu-yi tea, you may find the following site documenting a real case study of wu-yi tea and weight loss of benefit, http://www.wuyitearesults.com Further information at Authentic Wu-Yi Tea will also prove as a beneficial resource and guide.

Article from articlesbase.com

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