Health Benefits of Oolong Tea


Oolong Tea

Oolong Tea is a Chinese Tea, which is also referred to as the semi-green tea. It lies somewhere between the green and black tea in oxidation and has a taste much similar to green tea. Oolong tea is fermented, unlike green tea, but the process is halted just before the leaves start changing color (just as in case of black tea.

White Tea Should Not Be Ignored

As confusing as it is in the world of tea, another amazing tea comes out in the open. Introducing the great white tea! As everyone knows, all teas come from the same plant Camellia Sinensis. What makes them different from each other is the processing involved as well as the region they are grown.

Health Promotion Benefits

In China, tea has historically been used as a medicine. Many studies have been carried out up to the present day about the effects of tea. It has been known for some time that tea helps to control obesity and this is common knowledge in China.


What Are the Health Benefits of Oolong Tea?

The presence of polyphenols has itself been linked to many health benefits. It has been found to reduce the presence of markers associated with inflammatory diseases, including coronary artery disease. In addition to polyphenol, Oolong tea also contains two other antioxidants. It has more catechin than black teas and more thearubigin than green teas.

Oolong Tea and Weight Loss

(herbs come from a variety of plants). Over time, the plant has protected itself from photosynthetic stressors by forming chemical compounds known as polyphenols. Polyphenols, which include flavonoids, have the same beneficial class of compounds, antioxidants, that make fruits and vegetables good for you.

The Weight Loss Tea

Oolong Tea: the raw leaves are sun-wilted and then bruised, which exposes their juices to the air, so the leaves oxidise and start to turn brown like a cut fruit. They are allowed to oxidise only partially, giving them a rich, floral flavour. The tea is then dried fully; locking in the rich flavors that oolong tea is known to offer.

Dental benefits

Black tea helps keep harmful plaque bacteria in the mouth that cause gum disease

Tea, especially oolong, has been shown to suppress dental plaque deposition in humans ,and it helps to prevent cavities.

Oolong Tea: These semi-fermented teas have some of the same qualities as green and black teas; they are full-bodied with a fragrant flavorful and fruity, sweet aroma. Low in caffeine and relaxing.

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