Just a Hint of Health and Beauty

Just a Hint of Health and Beauty

In the Beginning:

As far back as I can remember, my mum always told me to use the best cosmetics money could buy and for her that was Vichy skin care. Into my thirties I was fortunate enough to be able to start using the wonderful creams they make and have continued since then.

At last they now make a brilliant cream called Liftactiv Ha which is basically the stuff our skin loses when we age that keeps our skin’s elasticity. Little is known about hyaluronic acid but it is purified in the umbilical cord and was roughly discovered in the 1940s.It has recently been used as an injectable on the same lines as Botox and some plastic surgeons believe it is better than Botox.

I have been using this cream now for several months and the difference is worth it! My under eye bags have nearly dissappeared and the elasticity of my eyes and face has improved dramatically – so much so I have stopped using some of the other wrinkle creams and still my skin continues to improve.health and beauty

They have an excellent acne cream called Normaderm which removes the purple red scarring left by acne and can be used successfully to remove the purple left by scarring on most wounds or burns – use in conjunction with Aloe Vera – excellent results!

I also take Efamol -skin (Evening Primrose)(menopause Efamol is also available) capsules as well as Maca and Silicea capsules (Given to people with alopecia and really makes your hair grow thick and fast as well as speeding up nail growth!) which helps to keep my skin young and healthy as well.There has been a lot of info out on the web recently about bio-indentical hormones and synthetic hormones as well as TV chat programs on the subject of menopause. Bio-identical hormones seem to have the same attention as synthetic hormones and there is also a bit of doubt as to whether they are safe. I have chosen not to ever go down that road and have opted for the herbal/excercise route. I started taking Maca over a year ago and have never looked back.Sure I, like everyone else, have really bad days where I could sleep in bed forever but I have found that excercise is crucial for relieving the stress of muscular(particularily facial) and headache attacks (leg-magic!) Also, if the attack is bad I take one magnesium/calsium capsule and if it is really bad I resort to a 500mg paracetamol and early to bed! I love cappucino coffee but agree with the adage of one cup prevents a headache whereas two gives you one.One amazing tip I can give you which I picked up over the years is to help reduce redness, eye bags and has the ability to shrink the skin slightly. In the Uk Boots chemists sell a haemorrhoid (piles) treatment called Germoloids (see link below – great site) which is available in ointment and cream form. Germoloids is reputed to shrink the skin and it does actually that. I have found it invaluable over the years and would be lost without it. I use the cream form as it is non-oily on my under-eye area and as it has a de-congesting action reducing the puffiness dramatically and cooling the eye area as well. health and beauty Obviously avoid getting it in the eye and use regularily with your normal cosmetics – the results are marked!

Germoloids used together with witch hazel is great for dealing with redness or purple scarring caused by tiny broken blood vessels or injury and scarring but if your using it for facial redness be careful as some cosmetics are not compatible with witch hazel as I discovered with my Vichy creams (burning) though Germoloids is fine.Germoloids is the only quick acting and excellent treatment I know for chilblains as well – instantly relieves that nasty sensative itchyness because of it’s anaesthetic property and within a week or two the chilblain is gone!. Another great treat for your skin is to stop the application of your normal cosmetics for about a week and just apply snail gel – let it dry then apply a thin layer of germoloid cream over it and a bit extra on the under eye area – do this twice a day and once or twice during the week, apply a layer of sweet almond oil over the lot, avoiding the under eye area (absorbtion of oils and the breakdown of elasticity of the skin in that area causes eye bags!).This gives your skin a break from the oiliness of the cosmetics and does wonders for any puffiness by tightening as well as letting your skin breathe! Try it! Works wonders for me.

If you have redness on say an arm you can soak a cottonwool pad with witch hazel and apply a fairly liberal amount of Germoloids covering with clingwrap and replacing this treatment every second day for approx three weeks and this will heal redness amazingly! health and beauty


My favourite and I feel most effective face pack is egg white

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